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What is the Triangle of Wound Assessment

The Triangle of Wound Assessment is a holistic framework that allows practitioners to assess and manage all areas of the wound, including the periwound skin.

It's a simple and systematic approach that guides the user from complete wound assessment to setting management goals, and selecting the optimal treatment.

We asked healthcare professionals

We asked healthcare professionals around the world about their priorities for wound care. 

What was missing was an intuitive, easy to use wound management framework that considered all three areas of the wound: wound bed, wound edge and periwound skin.

Our response is the Triangle of Wound Assessment.

Watch the video to learn more about how the Triangle of Wound Assessment can be implemented into clinical practice, as an assessment tool and as an educational framework .

Reference list

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Headline text

1. Posnett J, Gottrup F, Lundgren H, Saal G. The resource impact of wounds on healthcare providers in Europe. Journal of Wound Care 2009; 18(4): 154-161

2. Ousey K, Stephenson J, Barrett S et al. Wound care in five English NHS Trusts. Results of a survey. Wounds UK 2013; 9(4): 20-8

3. Greatrex-White S, Moxey H. Wound assessment tools and nurse’s needs: an evaluation study. International Wound Journal 2013; 12(3): 293-301 doi:10.1111/iwj

4. Dowsett C et al. Taking wound assessment beyond the edge. Wounds International 2015;6(1):19-23

5. Dowsett et al. The Triangle of Wound Assessment Made Easy. Wounds International. May 2015

6. Wound Care Research, ReD Associates and Coloplast. Data on file 2014


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